Friday, June 17, 2011

High Hopes

Another hot day in North Texas and yet I have a lot of ourside yard work that I need to get done. If I let the circumstances of weather discourage me, the yard will never get done. I need some encouragement. Music helps - I often listen to my iPod while working. My playlist is mainly, well, totally, either country or The Eagles. However, this song poppped into my head this morning and I can't get rid of it. Frank Sinatra made it popular.

I have hopes that are higher than just yard work. I still have hopes and prayers for our children, their spouses, and our grandchildren. I have hopes about a better world, peace, a lack of hunger and disease, and love among all people. I have hopes about seeing a great movement of God that will sweep around our planet making a difference in the way we relate to each other and reshaping the eternal destiny of billions of people.

High hopes - for them to become reality rather than just dreams, a great deal of prayer and hard work will be required. I am betting that you have some high hopes also. Just like my yard, they won't get done if all we do is sit around and think about them. I am going to pray for some shade and a cool breeze for this evening and in the morning, but I still must start the mower and push. I am going to pray for God to make a God-sized change in the lives of people worldwide, but I am also going to make myself available for Him to use me anyway His wishes to make that high hope a reality. What about you?

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