Thursday, October 14, 2010

Teams, Celebrations, and Values

The previous two evenings have been real times of celebration. On Tuesday evening, October 12, 2010, the Texas Rangers major league baseball team beat the Tampa Bay Rays 5 - 1 to advance to the next round of the playoffs. This was their first playoff series to win in the history of the team. To a Texas Ranger fan, it just doesn't get any better (unless they also win the next playoff series. To top it off, one of their top players has an issue with alcohol. To celebrate the win, they sprayed Ginger Ale on each other instead of the traditional champagne so that he could be part of the celebration. What a demonstration of being a real team!

When I thought it couldn't get any better, on Wednesday evening, October 13, 2010, in Chile, rescue workers completed the task of safely getting all 33 miners out of the mine where they had been trapped for 70 days. The first 17 days they existed on 1/2 cup of milk, two spoons of tuna, and a cracker, once every 48 hours. The government of Chile with help from nations all over the world mobilized an amazing rescue effort that resulted in a tremendous celebration as each miner emerged from the mine. The miners themselves had times of work, exercise, and encouragement as they passed the time hoping for rescue. One miner said that there were actually 34 of them - God was always with them. Their team effort and the efforts of the rescue team is one that will inspire people for years to come.

As much as I like baseball, I was reminded this week that it is still only a game even though a group of men demonstrated class and true teamwork. Their effort was worth great joy to the players and their fans. It will also be worth quite a few dollars to the players, coaches, and owners of the team. Their celebration was memorable.

The rescue of the miners was not a game; it was real life. The lives of 33 men were directly impacted by the work efforts of hundreds and the prayers of tens of thousands. Their families experienced the joy of the return of husbands, sons, fathers, and brothers. Many of them will also benefit financially as their stories are told and sold to various media outlets. Their celebration was priceless.

In the course of our busyness and interests, it is easy to believe that the most important things are whether our team wins or looses a game. This week we have all been reminded that human life is of much greater value than all the games that will ever be played. It is reason enough to celebrate life and the God who created life, and made man in His own Image.

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