Monday, February 9, 2009

What a Day!

Yes, today is a Monday, but it is a rather remarkable day. First, we actually had some rain this morning in North Texas - not much - but some. Second, today is our daughter's birthday. It seems impossible for her to have already reached this age (no, I am not telling how old she is, but she is still a young adult). After all I can still remember all the details of her birth. Now she is married with children of her own. And finally, today is the first day for our grandson (one of our birthday daughter's children) to return to school after a simple accident resulted in a small rupture in his spleen that was able to heal itself over a period of two weeks. While he did have a hospital stay of one week followed by another week being quiet and still at home, he did not have to have surgery to remove the spleen as earlier had been feared.

So today, we (my wife and myself) are thankful for the rain that came to a dry yard; we are thankful that God blessed us with two wonderful children, the younger of whom celebrates another wonderful year of life today; and we are thankful for four grandchildren, one of whom was healed without having to have surgery and has returned to most of his normal activities as of today. It really is a very, very good day!

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