Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What Makes Me Laugh?

Laughter is so relaxing, and yet at the same time, exhilarating. I know that not everyone laughs at the same things. Some people seem to find little to no humor in anything. In a way that makes me laugh.

I like jokes, slapstick, video, sight gags, and yes, even puns. The truth is that I don't believe we laugh nearly enough. We take ourselves and everyone and everything else far too seriously. Medical science has even discovered that laughter can result in the dimishment of pain for a period of time. Of course, the Bible stated that a long time ago in Proverbs 17:22 by stating "A cheerful heart is good medicine."

Young children like to laugh and do so at the antics of adults - I think they really laugh either at the way we look or the baby language we try to speak to them. What does "goo-goo, gaga" mean anyway? They even start trying to tell jokes just so they can laugh more (because we adults never seem to get the joke.)

Last Saturday I saw two women riding Harleys. Nothing too unusual there except for the fact that they looked like they were on their way to a wedding and one of them happened to be the bride (yes, she was already dressed for the wedding!).

People really do go to work wearing unmatched shoes or socks; have toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoe; get their shirttails caught in their zippers; look for their glasses that are on their heads or around their necks or worse, on their eyes; lose their cell phones that are in their hands; answer the phone with the receiver upside down; reverse letters of words; and remind us all that Aggie jokes and blonde jokes and all the other labeled jokes, are not jokes at all but the recounting of true, or at least almost true, stories.

The video clip below is about dogs rather than people, but it should bring a laugh to your day. It did to mine when a friend sent it to me. OH, DON'T FORGET TO READ THE COMICS EVERYDAY - IT MAKES THE FRONT PAGE MORE BEARABLE!

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