While their antics and conversation are fun to watch, it has also become quite fun to listen to people interpret the conversation. Some have said that the discussion is all about socks and fashion. The mismatched socks on one twin and the single sock on the other certainly could lead to that conclusion. Others have said it is about the refrigerator and perhaps what great snack might be hiding behind closed doors. Still others have supposed that it is nothing more than the mimicking of conversations that they have observed in adults or even their parents.
While we may never know what they were discussing, we are reminded that we all have conversations from time to time that require interpretation. This can happen because we use different definitions of the same word. Confusion in conversation is sometimes the result of culture differences. There are other times that we are just looking at opposite sides of the same problem or discussion point while believing that we are looking at the same side. And of course, sometimes we do just speak different languages.