As most everyone knows by now (how could you have possibly missed the stories, videos, specials, etc.) the Dallas Cowboys (professional football team for non-sports enthusiasts) have a new stadium. In the season opener they set a new regular season attendance record for the NFL (National Football League - info for same non-sports group) with over 105,000 fans there. Of course, 30,000 of those bought "standing room only" tickets to watch the game on monitors at the stadium (I thought that was why we have televisions at home!)
Tonight, the Cowboys play the Monday Night Game. The Guiness Book of World Records is to be there to certify that the video screen suspended above the stadium is the largest in the world - 60 yards long and cost more than the previous entire Texas Stadium where the Cowboys used to play. Many fans report that they watch the game on the screen (at the stadium) rather than watching the players on the field. Players are often caught on camera looking up at the screen to try and see themselves and the play they just made.
Both of these "records" bring one question to mind - Why? The answer is obvious - someone is trying to see how much they can impress you. That is easy to discern regarding this $1.1 billion dollar stadium. However, I do wonder how often we try to impress others - with what we know or at least think we know; with who we know; with where we have been; or with how much we have or have spent.
The scripture speaks about removing the beam from one's own eye before trying to get the speck out of someone else's eye. While we all may try to impress someone else from time to time, we are more often guilty of criticizing or judging someone else based on their attempt at impression. Self-eye exams are probably a much better idea than trying to fix everyone else's eyes.