A couple of weeks ago I completed my 15th year in my position as Executive Director of Denton Baptist Association. That is a milestone for me and for the association. This is the longest period of time that I have served in any one job by a couple of years and it is about twice as long as anyone has served in this position for the association.
It is fun to look back and to recall what has happened in 15 years. But in truth, the real excitement of a job or of life itself, is not what has happened in the past but the anticipation of what will happen in the future. As I begin my 16th year, I believe that there are far greater things coming and yet to be done than have any been considered, much less accomplished, in the past.
My life is really like that as well. My wife and I have been married 40 years. We have lived in six different communities during those 40 years. In addition, both of us have separate towns where we spent our "growing up" years. I hear people struggle with where is home for them. That has always been a simple question for me. Home is where I am living today. Home is not where I was born or went to high school. Home is not where both of our children were born. Home is not where we lived for 27 years. Home is where we are today.
Holding to that philosophy means that new driving patterns, new shopping locations, and making new friends in the neighbor are all part of home being where we are today. Sure I have memories, wonderful memories, of all the other places we have lived, but they are no longer our home.
I wonder when the last time was that you seriously gave thought to where your home is. The answer for you might be just what you need to get excited about the future.